Be inspired by the many comments from lovely ZenBirth parents

' I was the only one out of my NCT group who had a natural birth with no interventions, and I was the only one who did hypnobirthing and I don’t think that’s a coincidence. '
'We really enjoyed it and having done NCT since, this course was FAR superior. The content was better, the material was better, and I feel much better prepared having done it.'
'I gave birth to our baby girl yesterday morning after a wonderful peaceful water birth. Exactly what I wanted and can't thank you enough for your inspiring course. The midwife couldn't believe how calm I was when I arrived already 8cm dilated. Took 7 hours from start to finish.'
'Would highly recommend this course - worth every penny! I took a private course in the comfort of my own home... amazing and incredibly informative about all aspects of child birth. I learnt more from this course than I did from NCT.'
'To anyone at the start of their journey, weighing up the options of the various classes on offer to pregnant women, I would suggest that ZenBirth's hypnobirthing group classes is all you need. Having paid for NCT as well as hypnobirthing sessions, I wish I'd have saved myself a couple of hundred quid and focused on this class. I would recommend hypnobirthing to any of my friends looking for antenatal classes. You couldn't be more prepared for this wonderful, life changing experience than taking a hypnobirthing approach using a ZenBirth class. Thank you!'
'The whole experience was fantastic for all of us and in large part due to the use of Hypnobirthing. My waters went on Sunday afternoon (in a shop in Blackheath!) and the earliest signs of labour started that evening. By early Monday morning he was on his way, although I really didn't think I was that far progressed and it was only the midwife and my partner suggesting that we head in that convinced me! He was born 90 minutes after we arrived at the birth centre in a very calm atmosphere... We both felt that the use of the Hypnobirthing techniques made a big difference and we are both very grateful for the weekend we spent learning with you. So, thank you again.'
'We both felt so relaxed afterwards and are really glad that we decided to take the course.'
'Thank you so much! I really enjoyed your course and think your delivery was really great. You provided lots of useful information and I certainly feel very well equipped now to deal with my birth experience.'
''The knowledge I had gained about labour and birth from our hypnobirthing classes stopped me from feeling panicked. I am sure my calmness had a lot to do with my 6 hour labour which is very fast for a first labour.'
Fantastic course, would recommend to all expectant parents! Really helped us to have a relaxed, beautiful birth experience and allowed me to appreciate and work with the power of my body!'
'Amazing experience, I'm a third time mum and was feeling apprehensive due to previous difficult births, I decided to open my mind and try something different and I am so glad I did. I had an amazing hypnobirth at home in a pool with no drugs and no intervention at all. I was so inspired by hypnobirthing!'
'This course delivered way beyond my expectations, and even my previously sceptical husband is now a firm believer in hypnobirthing. We both found watching the hypnobirthing videos very inspiring...'
'Thanks so much again. Your teaching and support made all the difference.'
'... I looked into how we could empower ourselves to have the most natural birth possible. The answer was hypnobirthing. This course was a revelation to us. By the end, we were informed, relaxed and without fear. We were reborn and ready to meet our daughter.'
'I wanted to thank you for equipping us with the tools to support a natural, peaceful and non-medicated birth experience. The hypnobirth practice really helped.'
'I did find the last pushing stage quite tough but apart from that the birth was a wonderful positive experience for us and I'm so glad that I did your classes which taught me to stay calm and relaxed.'
'Just wanted to let you know that your classes and what I learned really helped me during labour. I was able to keep calm and relaxed throughout the first stage using the surge breathing and throughout most of the second stage too. I dilated pretty quickly. I used gas and air and a tens machine but apart from that managed the labour pain through breathing and using the concentration and visualisation techniques that you taught us.'
'We both felt so relaxed afterwards and are really glad that we decided to take your course.'
'Our baby was born in Lewisham Birth Centre and weighed in at a healthy 9lbs... I didn't even think I was in real labour until my waters broke so by the time we arrived at the birth centre I was already 9cm! You will be pleased to know the midwives thought I was living proof that hypnobirthing works... The main thing for me was that I wasn't scared and trusted my body.'
'Our gorgeous son arrived and he is just perfect! My labour was quick and the hypnobirthing really helped. Surges started at 12.30am, I arrived at hospital at 3.30am, 8cms dilated, was in the pool for most of the time... Left cord pulsating and we both had lots of skin to skin... I didn't need any stitches or anything. So I am sure that the hypnobirthing must have helped! The midwife respected our birth plan and I think we did really well!! We were even joking as I was crowning! Thanks for everything :)'
'The birth was absolutely amazing. I couldn't be happier. It was all really manageable and worked really well. Your course definitely helped me.'
'I thoroughly enjoyed the whole course. I felt very unconfident about the whole process beforehand but learning what hypnobirthing has taught me has helped me focus on the type of birth I want. I have learnt so much about how my body will work through each birthing stage and have become confident about the type of birth that I want and that I know what is best for me and my baby.'
'I had a very successful vbac (vaginal birth after a caesarean) this morning. Woke at 2.30am by surge and sac breaking and baby boy born naturally at Kings at 6am. It was everything we wanted and I am v proud of myself. Thanks so much.'
'Thank you so much for the wonderful hypnobirthing classes and everything you taught us about birth! I hope this can help build confidence for expectant mom and dads. It really works! I hope my birth story will inspire more confident and positive birth through hypnobirthing. Thank you so much for being so patient with us and all the coaching you have done.'